One foot out the door, a poem. 10.3.16

One foot out the door a poem by Yosh Dow

Two hands on the keyboard.

One descript sequence of body language. Shoulders pointed away from the object(s) in front of me. Positioned to relinquish my duties here in front of the screen. Body language out loud, (when you say it, when it was said) had an intimacy? Sex, a naked effect on the ear.

My ear.

Both ears.

Probably split right down the middle between left ear and right ear. Square between the fucking eyes. Listening with both ears, all the time. Listening to everything. Never one ear more than the other.

Always full,

over filled,

acorn’d to the top.

Teeming and brimming with every syllable and every annunciation on words big and words small.

Words small to words medium more often than not.

Four letter words, and two letter words.

Fuck, Shit, Cunt, Cock, Hell, Coon, Damn, Dick, Piss

And No, No and No.

No, not two letters capable of a complete one hundred and eighty degree rotation of thought. Pointed right at and out of a window, if you’re lucky.


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